Emergency Bus Routes
Click here to view the emergency bus routes
Student Busing Information
Click on the busing tab in Family Access to see busing information.
For those students/families that do not have family access, please contact your school and they will be able to provide bus information for you. Phone calls regarding bus information, from the District to each family, will no longer be done.
The exception to this will be for those student requiring busing due to special education needs and our Pre-K students. Bus information for these two student groups will be available in the near future on Family Access. But in the meantime, phone calls will be made.
Bus Transportation Eligibility Requirements
Click here to view the eligibility requirements for bus transportation
Transportation Request Form
The Transportation Request Form is to be used when a parent/guardian would like to request transportation for a student residing within the district. Requests shall be granted if the student resides at a distance of one and one-half miles from his or her assigned school. Requests for transportation from a location other than his or her residence for child care purposes may be granted provided the location is along the District’s regular routes.