837 North Main St, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Phone: (217) 245-6624 Fax: (217) 245-5321
Bus Transportation Eligibility Requirements
Click here to view the eligibility requirements for bus transportation
Behavioral Expectations for District Transportation
Student conduct for routine district-sponsored transportation
The district provides bus transportation to and from school for all students living 1.5 miles or more from the school. A list of bus stops will be published at the beginning of the school year before student registration. At the beginning of the school year, parents are assigned a bus stop at which a student is to be picked up, and one stop at which a student is to be dropped off. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than the bus to which they are assigned. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the building principal.
While students are on the bus, they are under the supervision of the bus driver. In most cases, bus discipline problems can be handled by the bus driver. In the case of a written disciplinary referral, student bus problems will be investigated and handled by the building principal or designee.
Parents will be informed of any and all inappropriate student behavior on a bus. Parents are encouraged to discuss bus safety and appropriate behavior with their children before the beginning of the school year and regularly during the year.
In the interest of the student’s safety and in compliance with State law, students are expected to observe the following rules on daily routes, field trips, and extracurricular events:
Behavioral Expectations for District Transportation
Inside the bus
· Students are asked to stay in their original seat for the duration of the ride. Bus drivers may implement a seating chart to secure student safety.
· Keep all parts of the body and all objects inside the bus.
· Students should maintain an “inside voice” when having conversation, use appropriate language, and conduct themselves in a calm manner while on the bus.
· All school expectations apply while on the bus.
· Positive behavior that will not distract the bus driver from operating the bus safely is required. Student actions that endanger themselves, the driver, or other students will require disciplinary action.
· Windows should remain closed unless the driver gives permissions for them to be open.
· Pets and animals are allowed on the bus only if permission is granted prior to the date of transportation.
· Keep the bus neat and clean.
· Keep book bags, books, packages, coats, and other objects out of the aisles. Keep all body parts clear of the aisles when seated.
· Eating is only permitted when the driver has given permission.
· Talking is expected to stop when approaching and crossing railroad tracks.
· Students should respect school property by never tampering with, damaging, or defacing anything in or on the bus, or any of the bus or school equipment.
· The school district is not responsible for items left on the bus.
Entering and Exiting the Bus
· Use emergency door only in an emergency.
· In the event of emergency, stay on the bus and await instructions from the bus driver.
· Athletic footwear equipped with cleats or spikes should be kept in bags until exiting the bus.
· Observe safety precautions at all discharge points. When necessary, always cross a street in front of the bus.
· Use the handrail when entering and exiting the bus.
· Regular bus stops are the only place a driver will stop.
Outside of the Bus
· All school rules apply while on at a bus stop, or waiting for the bus.
· Be at your bus stop on time.
· Students should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching the bus.
· For their own safety students should never crawl under a bus or run behind the bus.
· Wear light colored clothing while waiting at a bus stop.
· Parents are responsible to supervise students until they board the bus and upon existing the bus.
Students may be suspended from riding the school bus for up to 10 consecutive school days for engaging in gross disobedience or misconduct If a student is suspended from riding the bus for gross disobedience or misconduct on a bus, the school board may suspend the student from riding the school bus for a period in excess of 10 days for safety reasons. The district’s regular suspension procedures shall be used to suspend a student’s privilege to ride a school bus.
Video and audio cameras may be active on busses to record student conduct and may be used for the purposes of investigation into misconduct or accidents on the bus.
For questions regarding school transportation issues, contact your building principal.
Need a Map of School District Boundaries?
Jacksonville School District #117 elementary school boundaries are mapped out and fully searchable.
Step 1: Go to School Locator.
Step 2: Type in the full address and the name of your town (Jacksonville or Murrayville)
For any questions regarding school boundaries, please contact your student's school secretary or Central Office.
Bus Fleet
Jacksonville School District #117 is located in west central Morgan County and covers a territory of 222 square miles. Students who live more than one and one half miles from their schools are bussed to their schools. Special Education students are picked up and returned to their homes each day. All bus drivers are certified by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Jacksonville School District #117 maintains a fleet of 35 buses, 27 of which run a daily route. There are 6 special services routes and 8 spare buses. Yearly our buses travel 472,228 miles which includes field trips and athletic events. Route buses average 93 miles per bus per day. Our longest route is 149 miles per day. Our shortest route is 36 miles per day. Our 35 buses run 3,300 miles per day.